Wednesday, March 18, 2015

 cell phones are stupid.
i will be talking with someone and, all of a sudden, they get an alert on their phone and I'm non existent...I'M IN THE SAME ROOM AS THEM!

we literally shut out everything around us and plug ourselves into these small bright screens and just stock peoples lives, brag about our own and miss out on real life opportunities.

ill admit, i am pretty bad with using my phone all the time also...but i do have the decency to put it down when i am talking with someone and to make sure that it will not interrupt my conversation with them. its called respect.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T (you better be singing those letters and waving that hand)

plus those things are so new we don't know what it is doing for us, physically, in the long run. dramatic i know, but think about it. the radiation could cause cancer, we could all end up with major arthritis in our thumbs, our eye sight will start to dimmer and our brains will have extremely short attention spans.

i don't mean to be THAT person, but think about it...

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