a lady walked into the salon today wanting a haircut, manicure and pedicure.
i went to go greet my client and found myself shaking hands with an adorable sixty five year old lady with short grey hair and no teeth at all to go with her beautiful smile.
she explained to me that she was going to be in fashion show on saturday and needed to look just so.
she wanted a pixie cut.
as i cut of sections off her shiny grey hair i listened to her talk about how she lives alone, no husband, no kids, just her cat...belle, who will be five soon.
pam is suffering from depression.
she then proceeded to talk to me about her favorite movies:harry potter, chronicles of narnia, and dirty dancing.
reading is not for her.
after she was satisfied with her hair i led her to get her manicure and pedicure.
she kept looking at herself in all the mirrors and smiling,"I look and feel like a new person already." she said, smiling at me with her toothless grin.
she picked out two different colors for her toenails, and purple glitter polish for her finger nails.
"thank you for doing this,"she constantly said throughout the four hours i was with her.
"thank you for dealing with me," she kept saying.
as i painted her nails she told me all about how she needs to get out of her apartment and move to a senior home.
"i can't live alone anymore. i need friends. they tell me its not good to be alone, and i need to do this for myself."
pam is suffering from depression.
"i can bring belle though,"she said excitedly,"the doctor said she is my companion."
pam walked out of the school smiling and fluffing her hair.
"i just know i'll look good on the runway this weekend,"she exclaimed.
pam is suffering from depression.

none of us deserve to live a life of loneliness.....we all deserve to be loved.
This is beautiful.