Wednesday, March 18, 2015

 cell phones are stupid.
i will be talking with someone and, all of a sudden, they get an alert on their phone and I'm non existent...I'M IN THE SAME ROOM AS THEM!

we literally shut out everything around us and plug ourselves into these small bright screens and just stock peoples lives, brag about our own and miss out on real life opportunities.

ill admit, i am pretty bad with using my phone all the time also...but i do have the decency to put it down when i am talking with someone and to make sure that it will not interrupt my conversation with them. its called respect.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T (you better be singing those letters and waving that hand)

plus those things are so new we don't know what it is doing for us, physically, in the long run. dramatic i know, but think about it. the radiation could cause cancer, we could all end up with major arthritis in our thumbs, our eye sight will start to dimmer and our brains will have extremely short attention spans.

i don't mean to be THAT person, but think about it...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Starting to realize life is short. Figure out if the people you are hanging out with are bringing you up or bringing you down.

I've had people laugh in my face, dumb me down to make them look like a genius, have me stick up for them but walk away when I need them to stick up for me.
I've had friends tell me that my morals are stupid, Jesus isn't real, I stand for nothing right and they are completely correct.
I've had friends tell me that I don't know how to run things, I don't know how to do this or that.
I've had friends tell me how to run my relationships, what to say, how to act, what to wear.
I've had friends pick a different friend,a side, over me.
I've had friends yell at me because I did "too good of a job on that".
I've had friends who have loved me at my best and left me at my worst.


I'm not perfect. I'm a pushover. I judge fast and tend to be anti social or straight up awkward half the time. I have more opinions then I know what to do with and I know I am no where close to the greatest person on this planet, BUT

life IS short. I will no longer be brought down my insecure people. I will choose to live my life with positive energy and no longer surround myself with the negativity that people try to bring into this world.
I will kill with kindness, not because I am a pushover, but because I will know that if you need to bring others down you probably need the most kindness out of us all.
I will pray.
I will love.
I will tell myself daily, I am enough.

Don't like my style? I'll show you to the door.

Friday, September 5, 2014

cheers to perfect


pumpkin eaters

to the cheaters who create excuses.
to the desperate people who are never good enough.
to the continuing cycle of unhappiness.
end it.

to the people always wanting more.
to the ones who will never be enough
to the emptiness of both hearts.
stop it.

to the ones setting themselves up for divorce.
to the ones who can control their own fate.
to the hurtful feelings.
quit it.

to the disrespectful acts/words.
to the ones backing them up, because it shows they care.
to the realization it will never stop.
walk away/

don't make excuses, don't stay with them, stop it.
that's not love.
love is everlasting, it does no falter. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

                           Who decided that if you were born a diff color it was a bad thing?
                                    Who decided white would be the dominant color?Cat
          Who forgot to travel the world, or look at a map before realizing we all look different?
AND who decided to continue this, because apparently we have nothing better to worry about except                                                             for the color of our skin.

thoughts of an insomniac

Haha, so I thought of starting up a new blog,,,then i realized that i already had one, so i re-opened it. Is it
I tell you, its like looking through your old myspace... the adult Emily is shaking her head at the younger Emily right now....goodness.
Moving on!

Insomnia sets in around the same time. every night. Mocking me,"You will be up all night thinking! You will have the strangest thoughts enter your mind!"

Ladies and Gents, be prepared for a whole new set of blog entries to arrive...uff dah

Thursday, July 21, 2011


i want to hug you & never let go.

my heart fell to my stomach when you said those words to me...

never again do i want that feeling...ever.

why are you pushing someone out of your life that truly cares about you?

i just wish you could hear all the words i am too afraid to say...