Saturday, April 3, 2010

That should be me

You hurt me
You ruined me
You broke me

I loved you
I trusted you
I wanted you

Only you...

Love no one
Trust no one
Have no one

Were your thoughts...

I hope these thoughts make you happy when you end up alone
I hope you miss me when you drown in your misery
I hope love does not knock on your door

I should hate you.....
Why do I not?

The answer to why...

As I lay in bed this morning, I thought of how many ideas come into my head each second of the day, how many theories I think of, how many dreams I have gained, and then the question of,"why do I keep them so bottled up inside?" Came to my mind. So this, my friends, is why I am starting a blog.
I don't expect anyone to read it, or find it exciting or entertaining at all. I feel this is the best way, for me, to keep my thoughts organized.
So let us begin.